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Pottery course in Aachen - Beginners & Advanced

Für private Gruppen & Teamevents geeignet

Was dich erwartet


Have you always wanted to drink from your own cup you made yourself or eat your cereal from a bowl you made yourself? Then come to a pottery class at StudioCLAY and let’s get creative! I will accompany you to put your idea into practice, show you methods and give you tips and support for your handmade unique piece.

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In the pottery courses we deal with the so-called construction technique. We mostly use the pinch technique to shape vessels. This thumb printing technique is extremely versatile and makes it possible to create the desired and truly unique piece from a ball. During the process you will get to know the peculiarities of the material and learn how best to edit it. It's a technique that requires patience, but the results are stunning.

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Try it out and let your creativity run wild! Whether it's a bowl, mug, cup, soap dish, candle holder or bird bath: you decide which work of art is created! After an introduction and a short exchange about whether or what experience you have with clay and pottery, the discovery phase begins in which you decide what you want to create. You then have around two hours to complete your unique work of art.

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If we notice during the course that you need more time or you are simply having so much fun that you don't want to stop, you can book another hour on site for €20 to complete your work of art.

If you want, you can refine your unique piece with stamps or incorporate dried flowers into the surface. This way you can give your ceramics a personal touch with your favorite word, saying or name. Structures can also be embossed on the clay surface using various tools.

After completion, your ceramic is slowly dried and prepared for bisque firing. The process takes 2-4 weeks depending on temperature and humidity. A transparent glossy or semi-matt glaze can then be applied. I will take over this step and the second firing (high firing) for you. The transparent glaze highlights the ceramic and its typical, natural color.

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Was du an Materialien bekommst


I provide materials and tools.

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Wo wir uns treffen

Borngasse 3a, Aachen

Bushaltestelle Jahnplatz 100m entfernt.

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La KARamica - auf Triviar

La KARamica


(4 Bewertungen)


Ich bin Laura, habe eine Leidenschaft für Gestaltung und bin Inhaberin des StudioCLAY in Aachen. Nach meinem Produktdesign-Studium habe ich einige Jahre im Interior Design gearbeitet und liebe alles Kreative. Besonders das Töpfern ist seit meinem ersten Kurs an der Drehscheibe im Jahr 2015 ein fester Bestandteil in meinem kreativen Schaffen. Ich habe mich auf die Arbeit mit Ton spezialisiert und möchte anderen nun die Möglichkeit geben, ihre eigenen Ideen umzusetzen.

Für dein handgemachtes Unikat stehe ich dir mit Tipps und Tricks zur Seite. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich und es gibt viele verschiedene Objekte, die du herstellen kannst - von Schalen und Bechern bis hin zu Kerzenständern oder Vogeltränken.
La KARamica ist ein Wortspiel aus meinem Namen LAura KARgoll und dem italienischen Wort "amica" (Freundin). So entsteht phonetisch das, worum es bei mir geht: Die Keramik, die dich als gute/r Freund*in durch dein Leben begleitet.



I'm Laura and I have a passion for design and founder of StudioCLAY in Aachen. After studying product design, I worked in interior design for a few years and love everything creative. Pottery in particular has been an integral part of my creative work since my first course at the turntable in 2015. I have specialized in working with clay and would now like to give others the opportunity to implement their own ideas. I am here to help you with tips and tricks for your handmade unique piece. No previous experience is required and there are many different objects you can make - from bowls and mugs to candlesticks or birdbaths.

La KARamica is a play on words from my name LAura KARgoll and the Italian word "amica" (girlfriend). This is how, phonetically, what I am all about is created: the ceramics that accompany you through your life as a good friend.

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