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Kurse und Workshops

Makramee in Braunschweig - Workshops in English


Learn basic knots to create your own natural cord projects

Access to a variety of materials to find what suits you best.

No experience needed

Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere with snacks and drinks included.

Was dich erwartet


Learn to create beautiful decorations from natural cords that will be perfect addition to your interior.

The workshop lasts 3 hours and you will learn basic knots that will allow you to create your own projects.

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We provide all necessary materials (a selection of cords in various colors, different tools)- find out which ones suit you best. 

Find out where and which cords to buy.

Small snacks and drinks are also included.

No prior experience needed, I will teach you everything!

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keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich

fur Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet

Mindestalter 12 Jahre

Der Kurs wird auf Englisch gehalten

Was du im Kurs lernst

Basic knots for creating natural cord decorations.

Techniques for starting and completing cord-based projects

Hands-on experience with various tools and materials.

How to choose and source the best cords for future projects.

Was du mitbringen solltest

Nein, alle Materialien werden gestellt

Was du an Materialien bekommst

MAlle notwendigen Materialien werden bereitgestellt, darunter:


Holzstab fur Wanddekorationem

Schere und Massband

Anleitung mit Schritt-für-Schritt Erklärungen

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Wo wir uns treffen

Goldapstraße 7, Braunschweig

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